Female sex workers' human rights to equality and non-discrimination promoted in Nepal.
Expected Outputs:
Generated evidence to strengthen the female sex workers’ movement for equality and non-discrimination.
Enhanced capacity of Female Sex Workers led CBOs to advocate for equality and non-discrimination.
Enhanced capacity of duty bearers creating enabling environment to recognise violence against female sex workers and take anti-GBV action.
To empower female sex workers economically by increasing their financial literacy, inclusion and economic options.
Expected outputs:
Develop ten master trainers in financial literacy and mobilise them to train 140 beneficiaries in financial...
To train Sexual and Reproductive health providers to reduce stigma and discrimination and improve institutional arrangements to lower the forms of stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings.
Trained 205 Sexual and Reproductive...
To improve health and economic condition by providing immediate
To utilize COVID induced opportunities for humanizing
To set a platform for long term change to transform the social and legal narrative around...
To advocate for improved access to comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health services targeting Women Living with HIV, Female Sex Workers and Female who use Drugs.
Developed 10 master trainers on their Sexual...
To reduce barriers for accessing safe abortion services by Women Living with HIV, Female Sex Workers, Female who use Drugs by enhancing their information and promoting gender equity.
Developed ‘Safetypin’ a mobile...