The beginning
FAITH grew out of a national movement that fought to ensure access to health rights of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and people who use drugs (PWUD). Early 2000, many in the community were becoming severely ill and in many cases, dying from AIDS. FAITH was born during this time, in 2005, with a mission to create a community of people infected with HIV and those affected by it: friends and family. From the very beginning, founders of the organisation made a conscious effort to focus our efforts for advocacy and lobbying policymakers, donors, and other strategic actors to create a favourable policy environment for people living with HIVrather than services deliver.
The combined and dedicated efforts of organisations, including FAITH, have resulted in substantial expansion of HIV services and equally important, provided hope to countless more – that people living with HIV can lead fulfilling and productive lives. While this was a major achievement for us and our community, we were compelled to do more. As evidence mounted that many people living with HIV are vulnerable to and, in many cases, dying from Tuberculosis (TB), we responded.
Road Ahead
This journey has taught us a lot about ourselves, the community we serve and ways to make the government responsive and accountable to our communities. We will continue to challenge the status quo through art, music, and technology. We intend to draw on our experiences and lessons to lead the change – through innovation – towards a transformed society with positive attitudes towards gender, sexuality, reproductive rights.