- To reduce barriers for accessing safe abortion services by Women Living with HIV, Female Sex Workers, Female who use Drugs by enhancing their information and promoting gender equity.
- Developed ‘Safetypin’ a mobile app with information on Sexual and Reproductive Heath and Rights and services.
- Developed five PSA on safe abortion, gender equity and disseminated through FAITH FB official page featuring Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs; Parliamentarian, Ex-Minister of Health; celebrities and an activist.
- Trained selected beneficiaries on comprehensive abortion care (CAC). Mobilized them as facilitators to orient 993 beneficiaries at the community.
- Developed leaflet on CAC for distribution at the community.
- Conducted workshop with local policy makers, service providers to generate commitment to invest on SRHR of beneficiaries; creating favorable environment for the beneficiaries to access and utilize stigma free comprehensive SRH services and for gender equity.
- Research:
- Conducted COVID-19 impact analysis on accessing SRHR services among 1000 beneficiaries.
- Conducted digital literacy survey among 993 beneficiaries.