To decrease the burden of TB in the population affected by both diseases by ensuring effective collaboration between TB and HIV programmes through effective coordination and delivery of collaborative services.
Case findings
- Total 807 TB patients were tested for HIV, out of which 11 tested positive.
- Total 2074 people from HIV Key populations were screened for TB, out of which 161 suspected cases were tested and 5 new TB cases were identified.
- 190 people tested for TB, out of which 56 patients were tested TB positive.
Capacity Building
- Supported for capacity building via trainings of 694 human resources from government and non- government following per the national guideline – out of which 60 – TB, 15 – VCT, 15 – lab, 201 – PAL, 226 – TB/HIV, 20 ACSM, 157 PLHIV on TB/HIV and treatment literacy.
- Total 135 participants from NGOs/CBOs working in HIV – PLHIV organizations, National Network Group members of Female Sex workers, IDUs, MSM, transport workers (MARPs) service provider groups and media participated in the TB/HIV advocacy campaign.
- Total 2335 community members including volunteer and support groups, policemen, VDC Members and DOTS committee, religious leaders, mother and women’s groups, school and college students were sensitized on TB/HIV.
- 27 School health program on TB (through child to child approach) were conducted and reached 829 students.
- More than 1000 people including general, people working in TB and HIV as well as TB patients and those belonging to the MARPs group are informed about TB-HIV co-infection through school health program, sensitization meetings and testing campaigns.
- 54 participants were oriented for establishment and scale- up of cross referral system between VCT and DOTS centers/sites.
- Three DOTS centre in VCT/ART sites was provided furniture support.
- A situation analysis of TB/HIV collaboration and mapping of service providers was conducted in Dadeldhura.
- Total 16 street dramas on TB/HIV were organized by people infected with TB/HIV and at least 200 general people witness in each drama.
- Seven support groups with seven members in each were established.
- 17 TB-HIV clients received seed money of Rs. 10000.00 for income generation.
- 81 TB/HIV clients, HIV positive and their family members received vocational trainings on sewing, agriculture and computer.
BCC/IEC related
- 5400 pcs posters, 13500 pcs brochure, 40500 pcs leaflet, 27000 pcs sticker, 5 pcs hoarding board, 1350 pcs flex print, 1350 pcs Flip cloth chart, 7200 pcs monthly planner, World TB day related 3000 pcs posters and 9000 stickers were developed and distributed in 63 districts of Nepal.
- TB radio jingles in three languages (Nepali, Bhojpur and Maithli) were developed and aired covering all Nepal.
- 10000 pcs of poster were printed and submitted to NTC.
- 12 radio programs was developed and aired weekly through Nepal FM network covering all Nepal. One television program was aired in Terai TV on the occasion of World TB day, 2012.
- One article on TB/HIV was published in each development region – Kailali, Chitwan and Nawalparasi, Pokhara, Nepalgunj and Biratnagar.
- A “World TB day 2012 special” television PSA was developed and provided to NATA for the broadcasting.
- Far – west related posters were developed and distributed in three languages – Tharu, Doteli and Acchami.
Participated in National World TB day 2013 program and installed hoarding boards for a week in two major locations.