- “Buddhana” – Celebrating 100 years of womanhood on the occasion of International Women’s Day; supported by UNODC; 2011.
- World AIDS day 2010:
- Organized T-20 friendly cricket match titled “Cricket for AIDS” to fortify an environment of acceptance for HIV positive people. Ms. Susan Grace, Ambassador of Australia, honored the event as the chief guest.
- Organized an art exhibition titled “Expression of repression” – portraying people and the suppressed emotions of the marginalized groups such as PLHIV, Sex workers, MSM and third gender on the canvas.
- Managed the National World AIDS day event; supported by HIV/AIDS and STI Control Board, National Centre for AIDS and STD Control and various multi/bilateral agencies, I/NGOs; 2009.
- Managed the launching of “Sangsangai” – an innovative, interactive tool for communicating about HIV prevention, sexual and reproductive health in particular for adolescents where more than 100 representatives from Government, EDPs, bilateral, multilateral partners and major stakeholders participated; supported by GIZ; 2008.
- Organized and managed infotainment mela and media campaign on Drug and drug led harms to observe International day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking; supported by Recovering Nepal and various other donors; 2008.
- Managed the National World AIDS day event under the Global theme “Lead, Empower and Deliver – Stop AIDS, Keep the promise”; supported by HIV/AIDS and STI Control Board, National Centre for AIDS and STD Control and various multi/bilateral agencies, I/NGOs; 2008.
- Organized “International AIDS candlelight Memorial Day” to remember those who lost their lives due to AIDS; supported by National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, Save the Children and Nepal CRS company; 2007.
- Managed National World AIDS day 2007 activities; supported by National Centre for AIDS and STD Control and various multi/bilateral agencies, I/NGOs.
- Mass media activities: published WAD Special social messages in eight major national and daily newspapers, Hoarding Boards campaign and audio/visual documentation of WAD formal inauguration program
- World AIDS day special Radio and FM PSA was developed and broadcasted in six different languages from 35 different radio stations all over Nepal.
- 10 interactive radio programs addressing issues of HIV from various point of views by PLHIV, people who use drugs, commercial sex workers, media persons, government personality, corporate sectors and from entertainment sectors.
- Commemorate International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day for those who have lost their life due to AIDS; supported by The Nepal Red Cross Society; 2006.
- Managed National World AIDS day 2006 mass media campaign – Interactive TV Program in 4 major Channels of Nepal, Hoarding Boards campaign, Radio Awareness program and web-based program; supported by National Centre for AIDS and STD Control and various multi/bilateral agencies, I/NGOs.
- Organized a musical concert “Music for AIDS” to raise treatment fund on World AIDS day 2005; supported by National Center for AIDS and STI Control (NCASC), National Association of PLWHA in Nepal (NAP+N), UNAIDS, British Embassy, ActionAid, UNICEF, Policy Project/USAID, PSI/USAID and FHI 360/USAID.